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Ontario Art Council Funding

January 31, 2023

NIPISSING – Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced that the Ontario government is investing $69,500 in three Nipissing not-for-profit organizations through the Ontario Art Council’s (OAC) Ontario Diversity, Equity and Growth Investment stream.

“Organizations in Nipissing that receive this additional investment have been recognized by their contribution to diversity, equity and inclusion,” said MPP Vic Fedeli. “Art organizations like Aanmitaagzi, Near North Mobile Media Lab Collective and the White Water Gallery enrich the lives of people in our community while playing an important role in building a strong and prosperous Ontario economy.”

Local investments include:

  • $30,000 for the Near North Mobile Media Lab Collective. This organization supports the creation and presentation of media arts in the near north region. Based in North Bay, it operates a mobile production facility that travels to serve artists and organizations in other communities. It also runs creator space for youth and emerging artist in six communities across northern Ontario.
  •  $25,000 for Aanmitaagzi. This Indigenous art organization serves artists and community members from Nipissing First Nation and the surrounding area. It fuses art-making with education, professional development and social activism to nurture traditional practices, and carry them forward within a contemporary context.
  •  $14,500 for the White Water Gallery. This organization aims to raise awareness of and increase access to contemporary art that breaks new ground. Its activities include exhibitions, performances, off site events, and arts education in partnership with local community groups and schools.

“Near North Mobile Media Lab is excited to be a recipient of the Ontario Arts Council’s Diversity, Equity, and Growth Investment funding. This contribution to our operating budget will greatly impact our ability to continue delivering our mandate of providing the tools, knowledge, and access to digital and media learning and production for professional artists and aspiring youth alike across Northern Ontario.” – Alexander Rondeau & Sharon Switzer, Co-Directors.

“The White Water Gallery is more than pleased to hear about this funding. This allows us to move forward with our plans to grow the arts and culture community in the North and to stabilize the financial future of our organization.”- Alex Maeve Campbell, Executive Director, White Water Gallery.

“This funding will bring us closer to addressing then underrepresentation of Indigenous arts within the sector. Shkon’gan. We aspire to the full realisation of our culture.” – Sid Bobb, Co-Artistic Director, Aanmitaagzi.

Art organizations that receive this OAC operating support, are well-assessed yet underfunded compared to organizations of a similar scope and impact, and are making a significant contribution to equity, regional and rural arts have benefited from this investment.

For organizations that are mandated to serve Indigenous artists and communities this investment will be an ongoing commitment as an increase to their operating grant.

For non-indigenous organizations that meet these criteria, this will be a one-time investment to respond to the needs of the sector.


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