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North Budget Cut! Ring of Fire gone

April 27, 2017

Queen’s Park- “After over a year of waiting, the government has confirmed our suspicions; they have given up on our Northern Ontario communities,” stated Vic Fedeli, Nipissing MPP.

The budget, which contains a massive $5 billion operational deficit, does little for the people of Northern Ontario.

In order to artificially balance their budget, they used $2 billion from cap and trade, over $500 million in pension assets (despite the Auditor General’s advice not to), $1.5 billion in money from a federal transfer, and $1 billion from the sale of Hydro One and government properties.

The Budget takes a massive cut of $70 million out of the Ministry of Northern Development and mines. The Ministry helps to establish mining operations all over Northern Ontario, creating good well-paying jobs that help to grow our Northern economy — obviously not a concern of this government.

It came as a serious shock to see that this year’s budget removed all mention of the Ring of Fire. After three years of promises the Wynne government has completely abandoned this critical mining project.

“Even with an extra $5 billion of one-time funds, the Liberal government has still found a way to leave the people of rural and Northern Ontario with less. This is shocking and disappointing to Northerners. This government should be ashamed.”

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