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Auditor General Finds $11 Billion Hole in Wynne Government Accounting

October 3, 2016


QUEEN’S PARK – Ontario’s Auditor General has raised serious concerns regarding the Wynne government’s accounting practices, Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli said today.

In an unprecedented move, the government released the province’s financial statements without support from Ontario’s Auditor General.

The Auditor General, Bonnie Lysyk, said she was “disappointed” with the government’s actions and noted “this is the first time in the history of Ontario that the statements have been released without the audit opinion.”

“The Auditor General’s findings revealed an $11 billion hole in the government’s budget, and in an attempt to discredit her findings, the Wynne government went into full blown panic mode and held a desperate press conference,” said Fedeli.

“Rather than address their financial waste and mismanagement, the Wynne government continues to break their legal obligations, stonewall the province’s independent officers, and now have released financial statements without the opinion of the Auditor General for the first time in Ontario’s history,” Fedeli continued.

“The Auditor General’s numbers confirm what the Official Opposition has said all along – the Wynne government has no credible plan to get province’s financial house back in order.”


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