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$32,600 for Eastholme Equipment and Training

March 19, 2025

POWASSAN – Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing, announced that the Ontario government is investing $32,600 into Eastholme Home for the Aged through the 2024-25 Equipment and Training Fund. This funding helps long-term care homes purchase more diagnostic equipment and train staff to manage better and treat residents’ conditions that most often lead to preventable hospital visits, such as urinary tract infections, falls, pneumonia, and congestive heart failure.

“Our government understands investments through the Equipment and Training fund allow long-term care homes, like Eastholme, to provide better care for their residents in the comfort of their own homes,” said MPP Vic Fedeli.

“Eastholme, Home for the Aged, was very pleased to receive one-time funding for the purchase of 10 bariatric beds, mattresses, and commodes. This equipment is essential for providing care to residents with bariatric needs. We are grateful for the Province of Ontario and the Ministry of Health for these special one-time funding opportunities that allow long-term care homes to obtain and/or upgrade equipment that allows for the provision of care for those with specialized needs.” – Odelia Callery, Administrator, Eastholme, Home for the Aged.

This funding will support the following equipment at Eastholme:

  • Ten beds with specialized equipment supporting bariatric care and wound care—The bariatric beds will allow for more timely admission of bariatric residents, as we will have the required equipment onsite and will not need to delay the admission until equipment can be procured. As the beds are pressure-relieving, they support wound prevention/closure for bariatric residents.
  • Ten mattresses with specialized equipment for supporting wound care—The pressure redistribution mattresses will potentially reduce ED visits related to wound care and assessment, as pressure reduction mattresses paired with routine skin maintenance will proactively reduce the risk of pressure wounds.   
  • Three Commodes with Specialized equipment supporting bariatric care and wound care—The bariatric commodes will allow for more timely admission of bariatric residents, as we will have the required equipment onsite and will not need to delay the admission until equipment can be procured. The commodes also support wound prevention by preventing skin shearing for bariatric residents who may be unable to reposition easily.

The government is fixing long-term care to ensure Ontario’s seniors get the quality of care and quality of life they need and deserve, both now and in the future. The plan is built on four pillars: staffing and care; quality and enforcement; building modern, safe, and comfortable homes; and connecting seniors with faster, more convenient access to the needed services.

Quick Facts

  • The Equipment and Training Fund was launched in October 2023 as part of the Your Health Plan
  • Ontario is offering incentives to students and recent graduates of personal support worker education programs to launch careers in long-term care homes and in the home and community care sector.
  • As part of its plan to fix long-term care and address sector waitlists, the government is building 58,000 new and upgraded long-term care beds across the province

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