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Investing $5.6 Million in Postsecondary Infrastructure

July 30, 2024

NORTH BAY – Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced that the Ontario government is ensuring students at Canadore College and Nipissing University have access to modern facilities, learning tools and equipment so students develop the skills to succeed in the workforce through an investment of $5.6 million in 2023-24.

“This support will ensure students at Canadore College and Nipissing University have access to modern instructional equipment to meet business and industry standards, increase student access to micro-credentials and enhance the overall student experience,” said MPP Vic Fedeli. “By investing in postsecondary infrastructure, we are not only supporting our local economy, but ensuring students develop the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.”

Colleges and universities can use the funding for projects that support the renewal and modernization of campuses including major building systems upgrades, heating and ventilating system upgrades, and mechanical and electrical system upgrades. The funds can also be used to purchase instructional equipment and materials, such as new computers and software for teaching purposes, specialized equipment, or machinery for use in labs and classrooms, and tools for shops.

Capital investments include the following:

  • $3,100,000 for Canadore College to support manufacturing, health, electric vehicle, and trades projects
  • $2,500,000 for Nipissing University to support their George and Helen Vari Simulation Centre and additional classroom renovation

“These funds will enable Canadore College to invest in both current and future programs, including advanced manufacturing, health, electric vehicles, and the trades,” said George Burton, Canadore College President and CEO. “Such investments are crucial for acquiring necessary equipment and training aids, allowing us to upgrade and modernize our training environments. At Canadore, our programs rapidly adapt to the ever-evolving workforce demands, ensuring our students are job-ready. We are grateful to the Ontario government for their funding and continued support. This collaboration is instrumental in helping Canadore contribute to the growth and sustainability of the economy.” George Burton, President and CEO of Canadore College

“Thanks to the funding from the Province, our newly-opened George and Helen Vari Simulation Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing students in nursing and other professional programs to learn in a modern, immersive environment as they prepare to enter professional practice,” said Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University. “Having leading-edge classrooms, buildings, and other specialized facilities on our campus ensures we are able to deliver a top-rate student experience. Therefore, we welcome the Province’s investment in the ongoing maintenance and renewal of our facilities.” Kevin Wamsley, President and Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University.


  • $171 million has been provided through the Facilities Renewal Program in 2023-24 to help publicly assisted colleges and universities with the critical maintenance, repairs, upgrades and renewal of existing facilities.
  • $20 million has been provided through the College Equipment and Renewal Fund (CERF) in 2023-24 to help colleges buy and renew instructional equipment and learning resources.
  • $10 million has been provided through the Training Equipment and Renewal Fund (TERF) in 2023-24 to help universities renew and buy modern, state-of-the art equipment and learning resources.
  • On February 26, 2024, the government announced an additional investment of $167.4 million over three years, starting in 2024-25, for capital repairs and equipment at publicly assisted postsecondary institutions.


Ontario Universities

Ontario Colleges

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