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$50,000 to Support French Language Services

July 26, 2024

NORTH BAY – Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced that the Ontario government is investing $50,000 to Les Compagnons through the Francophone Community Grants Program (FCGP) for their project “Well-being and Living Well: All of Nipissing in Shape”. The FCGP provides funding to non-profit organizations, social enterprises and businesses that deliver services in French or serve Francophone markets and promote the vitality of Ontario’s Francophone community.

“Our government is strengthening the amount of francophone businesses and organizations like Les Compagnons to contribute to Ontario’s community, cultural, and economic success,” said MPP Vic Fedeli.

“Thanks to the Francophone Community Grants Program, Les Compagnons will launch the “Well-being and Living Well: All of Nipissing in Shape” initiative for the upcoming season. This program allows us to offer several activities focused on well-being and health, strengthening the capacity of local actors to provide services in French. We aim to promote health among various target groups, such as walking clubs for seniors and gymnastics for toddlers. Partnerships with the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO), the Richelieu Clubs of North Bay and Sturgeon Falls, the Federation of Francophone Canadian Women of Mattawa, the Club Action 50+ in Corbeil, and local daycares will multiply opportunities for exercise and well-being in French, thus reinforcing the Franco-Ontarian community identity.” said Arnaud Claude, Director, Les Compagnons.

The Ontario government is supporting 74 projects through the FCGP across the province to help organizations and businesses provide products and services in French and promote the recruitment and training of bilingual Francophone staff.

The Francophone Community Grants Program is one of the flagship programs of Ontario’s Francophone Economic Development Strategy, supporting social enterprises, non-profit organizations and businesses that offer services in French or serve Francophone markets.

Quick Facts

  • Under the Canada-Ontario Agreement on Minority-Language Services, the FCGP will benefit from an additional $1 million in federal funding per year over the next four years to support French-language services projects, increasing the total funding for the FCGP to $3 million annually.
  • 43 per cent of the FCGP projects are located in Eastern Ontario, 29 per cent in Central Ontario, 12 per cent in Western Ontario and 16 per cent in Northern Ontario.
  • The launch date for the 2025-2026 edition of the FCGP will be announced in early 2025.

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