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Province Invests Over $100,000 in Local Arts Sector

October 4, 2023

NIPISSING – Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced that the Ontario government is investing over $107,000 through the Ontario Arts Council’s Northern Arts Projects and Operating Grants to four local art organizations.

“Ontario’s arts sector contributes significantly to our province, providing thousands of jobs for musicians, writers, painters, actors, dancers, and many others working behind the scenes,” said MPP Vic Fedeli. “These investments reflect our government’s support to broaden our local cultural landscape by providing more opportunities for dynamic artists whose extraordinary and unique work strengthens the social fabric of our region, making it an incredible place to live.”

“We aspire to the full realisation of our Indigenous arts and culture. Shkon’gan; we are aware of the underrepresentation of Indigenous arts within the sector and our region. Indigenous arts thriving alongside our Canadian arts sector neighbours will enrich both our communities. This funding will assist our efforts.” Sid Bobb, Co-Artistic Director, Aanmitaagzi. 

“We are thrilled to be recording our first album and want to thank the Ontario Arts Council and the Northern Arts Program. The continued Provincial funding for Northern Arts has a profound impact on the creative economy in North Bay – and helps artists like us to bring our music to markets beyond the North.” – The Peach Pact.

The OAC Operating Grants support the ongoing operations of not-for-profit, professional media arts organizations in Ontario. Local recipients include:

  • $58,672 for Aanmitaagzi. This Indigenous art organization serves artists and community members from Nipissing First Nation and the surrounding area. It fuses art-making with education, professional development and social activism to nurture traditional practices, and carry them forward within a contemporary context.
  • $20,233 for the Near North Media Lab Collective. This organization supports the creation and presentation of media art in the near north region. Based in North Bay, it operates a mobile production facility that travels to serve artists and organizations in other communities. It also runs creator spaces for youth and emerging artists in six communities across Northern Ontario.
  •  $16,000 for the White Water Gallery. This organization aims to raise awareness of and increase access to contemporary art that breaks new ground. Its activities include exhibits, performances, off-site events, and arts education in partnership with local community groups and school.

The OAC Northern Arts Grant program supports the creation, production, and presentation of artwork; professional development; and community-engaged arts initiatives that benefit communities in Northern Ontario. Local recipients include the following:

  • $12,750 for Peach Pact. The North bay-based Peach Pact will be recording their full-length album.

An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Arts Council is the primary funder of the professional not-for-profit arts sector in the province. It is mandated to foster the creation and production of art for the benefit of all Ontarians.


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