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North Snubbed In Throne Speech

March 19, 2018

QUEEN’S PARK –  Kathleen Wynne’s total lack of regard for Northern Ontario was nowhere more evident than in today’s Throne Speech, Interim Leader of the Official Opposition and Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli said today.

In the nearly 3,300-word speech, neither Northern Ontario nor the Ring of Fire warranted even one specific mention.

“This is a deliberate snub, plain and simple,” said Fedeli, who pointed out Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford took time to speak with Northern media on Friday to address Northern priorities and lay out his commitment to the North.

“The problem with Kathleen Wynne and her government is that they will say and promise anything to stay in power. She has made commitments on billions in new spending for expensive re-election promises in a desperate attempt to try and save her government. She is trying to buy votes from a few of us, instead of trying to fix our province for all of us,” Fedeli said.

He further noted that Ontario is the most indebted province or state in the world, and that we can’t afford to further mortgage our future any longer.

“It’s time for a change in Ontario.”

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