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Fedeli Announces Freestyle Ski Funding

February 3, 2018

NORTH BAY –  North Bay is one of multiple Ontario communities benefitting from a $434,100 province-wide grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation to Freestyle Ski Ontario (FSO), Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli announced today.


Fedeli spoke about the 36-month grant at Laurentian Ski Hill at a provincial tour event for under-12 to under-20 athletes in moguls and slopestyle competition.


“North Bay and Laurentian Ski Hill has proven over the years that it’s possible to produce world champions in multiple alpine and freestyle disciplines right here in our own backyard, like Kate Pace-Lindsay, Steve Omischl and Tyler Nicholson.  My congratulations go out to local members of Freestyle Ski Ontario for your continued commitment to providing new opportunities for local athletes of today and tomorrow,” said Fedeli.


North Bay Freestyle is one of eight clubs chosen for this project, and has developed new coaches, judges and officials, as well new terrain as a result.


Freestyle Skiing Ontario (FSO) is the provincial sport organization (PSO) for the freestyle skiing disciplines of moguls, slopestyle, and halfpipe skiing in Ontario.


“This grant has been incredibly helpful in helping to develop Freestyle Clubs across the province. These clubs are developing into truce centres on excellence and this would not have been possible without the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation,” said Lora Fenn, Club Development Manager at Freestyle Ontario.

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